We have a lot of special knowledge and know many programming or scripting languages, operating systems, data bases and applications.
Some links to domains with websites we did design or do host. More Details
May-6 AH01574: module dav_module is already loaded, skipping bug fix for this warning [so:warn] [pid 27309] AH01574: module dav_module is already loaded, skipping edit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav.load and make the content: <IfModule !mod_dav.c&...
Aug-20 Warning: Don't install GOMPLAYER !!! Warning: Don't install GOMPLAYER !!! It contains malware!!! Its unwanted software namely ZoneAlarm Firewall. That software will block your wanted software!! Its poorly written - it will lea...
Nov-29 new website lindner-uscars.de to check out and buy a Mustang